Fried Rice

Written by: Kerby Hukom



Time to read 0 min

Prep time: 20 mins

Servings: 4 pers

Cook time: 30-40 mins

Category: Snack

Origin: Middle East


  • 200 g of rice
  • 80 g peas
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 egg
  • 3 tablespoons of soy sauce
  • 3 tablespoons of García de la Cruz Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil



1. Boil the rice in hot water for about 15 minutes or till rice is cooked.
2. Boil the carrot for about 10 minutes or till the carrot is cooked and cut it into cubes.
3. Beat the egg in a bowl and heat two tablespoons of García de la Cruz Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil in a pan. When oil is hot, toss the egg and stir it for one or two minutes.
4. Add one more tablespoon of oil to the pan, add the rice and toss it with the egg, add the carrot, the peas and the soy sauce and mix it all together for 3 more minutes in low-flame.